Used Vehicles for Sale

MotoInsight - used
6 vehicles found of 5 used vehicles

* * While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Please verify any information in question with a sales representative. Information being displayed may not match the exact vehicle being displayed.

* * Advertised price includes Registration fees and $12.50 OMVIC fee. HST and licencing extra.

For a reliable vehicle that will never let you down, come into your Volkswagen dealer today and discover a vast inventory of used Volkswagen vehicles at more than competitive prices. As your Volkswagen dealer, your satisfaction is important to us, and that is why we make sure to inspect every vehicle we offer to make sure it surpasses your expectations.

Your Volkswagen dealer offers a wide selection of pre-owned vehicles for every budget and every need. We also have a wide range of used cars and SUVs from other brands. At your Volkswagen dealer, you are sure to find the used car that suits you best.

Beneficial Financing To Purchase A Used Vehicle From Your
Volkswagen Dealer

For a high-quality used car or SUV that is much more affordable
than you think, come to your Volkswagen dealer today. You will discover many financing and leasing options at low interest rates that are tailored to your financial situation.

At your Volkswagen dealership, our financing experts will take the
time to listen to you, and, most importantly, to explain all the financing options available to you so that you can make an informed decision on the plan that suits you best.

Come into your Volkswagen dealer today to discover our large
inventory of pre-owned vehicles as well as our advantageous financing offers.

For any questions or concerns, feel free to get in touch with us through our online contact form.